Tuesday, July 24, 2012

the truth

many times i title my blogs the truth....
y because i guess i long for the truth... but the truth is God... and i already knew that in the bak of my mind but as a human i tend to deny it....
 taken from the meditations of RENE DESCARTE

God's exsistance is true no matter how hard you try to counter this God's perfect being cannot be denied just as a mountian cannot be without a body and a triangle without it's angles.... God is perfection and to pull perfection away from God wouldnt make him God...the fact that as humans we doubt proves that we are imperfect beings and can only know that we are imperfect if we already understand the idea of perfect which is God.....
as humans we cannot concieve wut is perfect because we are all imperfect....and this is y we fall short of the glory of God.... which is why God had sacrificed his own son to die for us

see i love school... you learn soooo much... wutever call me a nerd.... say i have no life....call me dorky ... but i love it... i truely love school and all i learn... i have a passion for learnign that no one can understand.... i thrive on learning all i can because if you think about it...the world contains so much information and I want to leave this world knowing as much as I can.... the mind has no capacity... it can store an infinate amount of information but it is up to you to fill it.... we were blessed by having this INFINATE amount of memory and yet many of us dont take advantage of this. My plan is to learn and educate myself as much as I can about the world.... but dont be fooled... knowlege is important but having wisdom is a much greater trasure....

I slip a lot in my faith... and that shows just how imperfect I am.... one of the sermons that touched me most was that of Pastor Powell... he talked about how gahndhi...."India's future political and spiritual leader decided to go to a Christian church in hopes of finding salvation.

But when he got to the church, Pastor Powell explained, a church member at the front door sent him away, telling Gandhi he should try worshiping somewhere else รข€" perhaps at a place frequented by those of a like skin color.

Needless to say, the experience shattered Gandhi's view of Christians and destroyed his desire to join the faith."
this makes me really sad.... but it is so true.... christians today have a hard time following the word of the Lord... and what they dont realize is that these actions cause others to stray from the faith as well.... same goes for me... honestly... i still do bad things... and im still working on that... I just pray that m imperfections havent caused others around me to reject christianity.... I pray that if i have that that person will eventually realize that I too am imperfect nd that they shouldnt generalize the christian faith because of my actions..... but knowing all this i too should strive to show others how a christian should act....

th hardest thing i do is pray for those that hurt me.... that continue to hurt me... but i know i have to because thats what is right.... even though they may not want my prayers i do... i pray for them ...
i pray for everyone i've ever met... even if i've only seen their face.... because everyone needs prayer...

leila needs me i'll blog lalter lol


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